What are Chloramines?

¿Qué son las Cloraminas?

What are Chloramines

What are Chloramines

Chloramines are chemical compounds formed when chlorine, used to disinfect swimming pools, reacts with ammonia and other nitrogenous compounds, which are introduced into the water mainly by swimmers (through sweat, urine, and other organic waste). These compounds can be problematic for several reasons.

Problems Associated with Chloramines

  1. Irritation: Chloramines may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory system. It is a common cause of “red eyes” after swimming and can aggravate conditions such as asthma.
  2. Odor: Contrary to popular belief, a strong “chlorine” odor in a pool does not indicate excessive chlorine, but rather the presence of chloramines.
  3. Chlorine Effectiveness: Chloramines reduce the efficiency of free chlorine (the active chlorine that disinfects water), which can lead to lower water quality.

How Chloramines Are Formed

The process of chloramine formation is chemical. When chlorine is added to pool water, it is designed to attack and neutralize bacteria and viruses. However, some of this chlorine reacts with nitrogen compounds, forming chloramines. The more organic material present in the water (such as sweat, urine, cosmetic products), the greater the formation of chloramines.

que son las cloraminas. piscina

Methods of Control and Prevention. Chloramines

  1. Regular Water Maintenance: Perform regular water testing to measure free and total chlorine levels. Maintaining an adequate level of free chlorine is crucial to prevent excessive chloramine formation.
  2. Swimmer Education: Encourage good hygiene practices among swimmers, such as showering before entering the pool and avoiding urinating in the water.
  3. Adequate Ventilation: In indoor pools, good ventilation helps disperse chloramine gases and improves air quality.
  4. Shock Treatments: This technique involves adding a large amount of chlorine to the water to break down the accumulated chloramines and restore the free chlorine level.
  5. Use of Alternatives to Chlorine: In some cases, alternative disinfectants can be explored, such as ozone or ultraviolet light systems, which reduce the formation of chloramines.

Chloramines are an unavoidable by-product of chlorine use in swimming pools, but their management is essential to ensure a safe and enjoyable swimming experience. Understanding their formation and how to control them is crucial for pool operators and swimmers alike. With proper maintenance practices and awareness, we can enjoy clean and healthy pools.

In addition, it is important to note that there are alternatives to traditional chlorine in the disinfection of swimming pool water. One of these alternatives is HidroSmart, offered by CRISTAL AQUA, which proposes innovative systems such as hydrolysis, an advanced technique that has numerous benefits compared to conventional chlorination methods. This system not only effectively combats the problems associated with chloramines, but also promotes superior water quality and a healthier swimming experience.


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¿Qué son las Cloraminas?

What are Chloramines?

Chloramines are chemical compounds formed when chlorine, used to disinfect swimming pools, reacts with ammonia and other nitrogenous compounds, which are introduced into the water mainly by swimmers (through sweat, urine, and other organic waste). These compounds can be problematic for several reasons.

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