Water contamination in swimming pools: Risks and prevention

Water contamination in swimming pools

Risks and prevention

Water contamination in a swimming pool can become a health risk for its users. This contamination can come from a variety of sources, including bathers themselves, non-bathers, water, air pollution and chemicals used to treat the water. In this article, we will discuss the health risks associated with biological and chemical contamination in swimming pools and how to prevent them.

Sources of water contamination in swimming pools

  1. Bathers: Bathers introduce germs into the water through their skin, mucous membranes and genito-urinary tract. These germs are usually protected by skin particles, cosmetics and sunscreens, which makes it difficult to eliminate them.

  2. Non-bathers: They introduce contamination mainly through footwear. Therefore, it is essential to prohibit access to the beach area with footwear.

  3. Water: Swimming pools may receive water from the public water supply or from other authorized sources, which are subject to sanitary controls.

  4. Atmospheric contamination: In open-air pools, leaves and windblown dust can be sources of pathogenic germs, as well as poorly maintained and dirty areas around the pool.

  5. Water treatment chemicals: If used incorrectly or if treatment facilities are poorly designed, they can be a source of contamination.

Types of contamination in swimming pools

  1. Biological contamination: This is due to the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in water, such as protozoa, fungi, bacteria and viruses. The associated health risks depend on the types and number of microorganisms present, as well as the characteristics of the exposed individuals (age, health and immune status).

  2. Chemical contamination: This is related to intoxication by chemical products used to treat water, either acute (by ingestion or massive inhalation) or mild (irritation caused by disinfectants, mainly chlorine).

Prevention and control of contamination in swimming pools

Knowing the factors that favor microbiological contamination and the routes of entry of microorganisms (skin, mucous membranes, gastric route and airway) is essential to establish appropriate preventive measures. These include:

  1. Promote personal hygiene among users and prohibit access to the beach area with footwear.
  2. Ensure water quality and the correct use of water treatment chemicals.
  3. Maintain the cleanliness and good condition of the facilities, including surrounding areas and locker rooms.
  4. Facilitate air renewal in indoor pools and maintain proper temperature and humidity.
  5. Use suitable coatings to avoid skin aggression and the penetration of microorganisms.
contaminación del agua en piscinas

Water contamination in swimming pools is a problem that can affect the health of pool users. Identifying the sources of contamination and understanding the health risks associated with biological and chemical contamination is essential to prevent and control such contamination. By implementing appropriate preventive measures, such as promoting personal hygiene, proper water treatment and maintenance of facilities, you can minimize the health risk and ensure a safe and healthy experience for all pool users.

Bibliographic reference: ASOFAP Technical Guide

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